Holiday Light Tours & Parties – Book Your Ride!
The holiday season officially kicks off in KC with the Plaza Lighting Ceremony on Thanksgiving evening. Holiday light tours are especially popular this time of year. But friends, family, couples and co-workers also get together for the following: Christmas parties...
Holiday Light Tours
Book Your Christmas and Holiday Light Tours in Kansas City! Contact Us Today The leaves are falling, cooler temperatures are moving in and the days are getting shorter. These are all familiar signs that we are about to embark on another holiday season....
4 Ideal Events Where You Must Rent a Limo
Have you ever wanted to rent a limo? Limos are synonymous with luxury and have a fascinating history. Depending on who you ask, limousines may have been around since the 1800s. Though the vehicle was invented in the 1920s, the idea that inspired it was present in the...
Ultimate Guide to Kansas City’s BEST Fall Activities 2020
Fall is finally here! If you are anything like us, we love this time of year. The season of football games, chili cook-offs, cozy sweaters and boots, beautiful trees of golds and reds and limitless fun activities for everyone to enjoy! With that in mind, we have put...